Thursday, August 27, 2009

As Fans Can We Move On

I have been wondering for a while now since the last round of players names have come out about their steroid use if I really want to know who else is on that list. Will it be a player in which I have looked up to. Will it be someone you never thought in a million years would use steroids. Will it be your franchise player that spoke out against using steroids. I guess it can be anyone of these players and the scary part is that it just might be the one you least expect.

In this generation, the greatest players in the game, basically have been linked to the steroids scam, AROD, Manny Rodriguez, Big Papi, Sammy Sosa, Mark Macguire, Roger Clemens, just to same a few. This is sad because you look at these players and think that they are/were on the verge of breaking MLB records. But now that they are linked to the steroid era, do we still look at them the same. Do we put to the side their mistakes and just move on and continue to hopefully rebuild baseball's reputation.

Well as a fan, how can we not. This is our National Pasttime. This is our game. We need to somehow get past this and enjoy the game again with out all of the outside distractions. Yes they cheated, they they took drugs that enhanced their game, did they need those drugs, I don't think so, I feel they were great without them, but it just ruined what they have accomplished. But we as fans must move on and forgive, maybe never forget.

Give me your input, what do you think? Can the games reputation be rebuilt? Can we move on and forget?

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